Saturday, December 28, 2013

Certainly Willow recognized people have differences and all, as she, enjoy mummifying ourselves in our blanket and leaving our partner shivering and tugging, and may understandably remark with condescension--that is of course empathetic--on a peer for the sake of promotion (for what is self-interest but envelopment in one's cocoon comforter); however, there remained a heartbeat too pronounced or a gaseous stomach or irritated skin when she shuffled past that partner or peer with blood-red plasma globe eyes rimmed with purple sleepless or betrayed lids. Undoubtedly she had a dream where she, her partner, that and her other peers, and others too--anyone, even all--could lay together and intertwine arms and legs like fibers to a cocoon, and become like inseparable cells of a hazelnut. She laughed when she thought how some would cry from suffocation or kick in the neck others while fighting claustrophobia and under-knee pains. Though, perhaps if all breathed and stretched simultaneously they would instead become a collective amoeba that with each puff shoots its way through the murk ahead. Through infinite distance in a finite plane, that falls infinitely yet finitely. And each puff is futile, and each puff gives momentum.

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